How muscular should a puppy be dog

Puppies and Muscle Growth All puppies go through big changes as they grow up. Their bodies, including muscles, develop in stages. Proper muscle growth is important for pups to be healthy. Muscles allow puppies to move, play, and learn. As pups age, muscles need to get stronger for more activity. But muscle growth happens gradually … Read more

The Pitbull and American Staffordshire Terrier: A Comparison

the Pitbull and the American Staffordshire Terrier

Often mistaken for one another, the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier share a bloodline but have distinct personalities and physiques. Confuse them no more. History in a Nutshell Pitbulls: Bred for bull-baiting (now illegal) and later farm work. No AKC recognition, but recognized by the UKC. AmStaffs: Descended from Pitbulls, bred … Read more

20 Healing Words: Quotes About Losing a Pet Dog

20 Healing Words: Quotes About Losing a Pet Dog Losing a pet dog is a deep heartbreak. It can feel like the world has changed without them. Others’ words of comfort can help ease this pain. This collection of 20 quotes is here to offer healing. They remind us that the love we share with … Read more

14 Dogs Who Know What You Did Last Summer

These suspicious dogs have a bone to pick with you. Some of them are disappointed, some of them are downright angry, and all of them want you to own up to your crimes. Your punishment? Look them in the eye and think about what you did. Read on for 14 dogs who know what you … Read more

Male dog won’t leave female alone not in heat

Male dog won't leave female alone not in heat?

Male dog won’t leave female alone not in heat – Male dog won’t leave female alone not in heat? “This is normal behavior for un-neutered male dogs, and your female dog doesn’t have to be “in heat” for him to follow her” from a user of Greetings friend, it seems you come seeking … Read more

How One Boy Brought Comfort to His Shelter Dog Bearing Scars of the Past

The bonds dogs form with children go far beyond what many may expect from a pet. Young ones see their canine companions as playmates and often as trusted confidants and guardians who provide unconditional love. Stories of the depths these cross-species friendships reach continue inspiring many. One such tale originated in Louisiana, where a seven-year-old … Read more