Inflamed adanal gland of dogs: how to solve it?


Inflamed adanal gland in dogs is a common problem that can cause discomfort in animals and concern for owners. Therefore, understanding the problem is the first step in seeking adequate treatment and ensuring pet treatment.
Below, we explain the problem better and present the ways to restore your friend’s well-being.

What is inflammation of the adanal gland

The adanal glands are small structures located in the anal region of dogs. They are responsible for secreting an odorous substance that helps in olfactory communication between animals.

However, it is common for this region of the animal’s body to suffer from inflammation, due to the accumulation of secretion or obstruction of the drainage pathways.

This inflammation can be caused by several factors, such as poor diet, lack of fiber in the diet, genetic predisposition, bacterial or fungal infections, among others.

Causes of inflamed dog adanal gland

  • Accumulation of secretion: When the adanal glands are not emptied regularly, secretion can build up, leading to inflammation.
  • Obstruction of drainage pathways: blockages or narrowing of the drainage pathways of the adanal glands can make it difficult for secretion to exit.
  • Bacterial or fungal infections: Bacteria or fungi can infect the adrenal gland, causing inflammation and discomfort.
  • Inadequate diet: a diet low in fiber contributes to the development of problems in the adanal glands.

Symptoms of inflamed dog adanal gland

The inflamed adanal gland of dogs manifests itself through some typical symptoms. Are they:

  • Excessive licking: the dog can frantically lick the inflamed region, showing discomfort.
  • Intense itching: the animal demonstrates irritation and repeatedly scratches the affected area. Pet drags the bottom on the ground and that signals the problem.
  • Swelling and Redness: The anal area may be visibly swollen and red.
  • Presence of secretion: there may be the output of a yellowish, greenish secretion.
  • Difficulty defecating: the dog may have constipation.
    Unpleasant odor: the released secretion has an unpleasant odor.

Which animals are pre-disposed to the problem?

Elderly and obese dogs begin to lose strength in muscle tone, so they cannot properly compress the gland and tend to accumulate fluids. In addition, animals diagnosed with atopic dermatitis also have a higher chance of developing the problem.

It is also worth remembering that small dogs are more predisposed to suffer from an inflamed adanal gland.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the adnal gland

Veterinarians use different methods to diagnose anal gland inflammation in dogs. Among them are:

Physical exam

First, the veterinarian performs a detailed examination of the affected area. He checks for swelling, redness, discharge, or any signs of inflammation.

Secretion analysis

When the situation seems a little more complicated, the veterinarian collects a sample of the adrenal gland secretion for laboratory analysis. In this way, he can identify possible bacterial or fungal infections.

Complementary exams

Even in more complex situations, the veterinarian requests additional tests, such as the blood test, which serves to assess the general health of the dog and rule out other related conditions.

Based on the results, the veterinarian makes the correct diagnosis of the inflamed adrenal gland of dogs. For this reason, it is important to seek veterinary assistance when your dog has at least two of the symptoms listed above.

Is there a home treatment for an inflamed anal gland in dogs?

Although it is possible to find some home treatment suggestions for adanal gland inflammation in dogs, it is important to emphasize that this conduct is not adequate.

Home treatment is not recommended as it can aggravate the situation or mask more serious problems. Also, inappropriate attempts to empty the adanal glands can hurt your pet.

Emptying the adanal glands requires specific technique and knowledge to avoid complications, so it can only be safely performed by a veterinarian. This professional can also prescribe medication to control .

Treatment of inflammation of the adanal gland

Emptying of the adanal glands

The emptying of the adanal glands must be carried out by a veterinarian, as he has adequate technique and knowledge. In any case, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the animal throughout the procedure, using gloves and following other safety measures.

In short, the dog is positioned in a way that facilitates access to the injured region. Then, locate the glands and apply gentle pressure with your fingers, until they are completely empty.

After emptying, the veterinarian cleans the area and ensures that the animal is completely comfortable.

Use of topical or oral medications

As the problem is already at the level of inflammation, it is necessary to administer anti-inflammatories to ease the animal’s discomfort. Antibiotics are indicated to fight the infection and promote healing.

Now, if the puppy is in any kind of pain, then he will have to take painkillers for a few days.

In any case, never administer medication yourself. Follow the veterinarian’s recommendations for the treatment correctly and respect the dosages.

Preventive measures to avoid recurrences

Recurrences of inflammation of the adanal glands in dogs can occur in some cases. Certain factors contribute to recurrences include:

  • Anatomical problems: some dogs may have changes in the structure or positioning of the adanal glands, which makes proper emptying difficult and leads to recurrences.
  • Excessive Accumulation of Secretion: Dogs with overactive adanal glands or excessive secretion production may be at a higher risk of recurrences, as filling occurs at an accelerated rate.
  • Unbalanced diet: a diet low in fiber contributes to the accumulation of secretion in the glands
  • Persistent infections: If the inflammation is caused by persistent bacterial or fungal infections, there may be a greater risk of the problem recurring several times in a row.

To reduce the frequency of inflammation of the adanal glands in dogs, some measures can be adopted:

  • Adequate food: ensure that your pet has access to a diet rich in fiber, so its digestive system will work better and not accumulate so much secretion.
  • Regular emptying: in some cases, the recommendation is regular emptying of the adanal glands to prevent excessive accumulation of secretion.
  • Hygienic care: take care of cleaning the affected area to avoid aggravating the problem.

Care and prevention of inflammation of the adanal gland

First, when cleaning the area, put on gloves. Afterwards, gently wash the area with lukewarm water and a dog-appropriate soap. Rinse well to ensure thorough cleaning.

The next step in proper hygiene is careful drying. Use a clean, soft towel gently, avoiding rubbing hard so as not to irritate the area.

Emptying by a professional

Every dog ​​will have an accumulation of secretions in the adanal glands, regardless of breed or age. For this reason, look for a petshop specialist to perform the procedure.


Offer dogs a type of food rich in fiber to stimulate the proper functioning of the organism. Also, don’t forget to provide fresh, clean water at all times.

Regular visit to the vet for evaluation

Lastly, the dog should go to the vet regularly. The professional is able to analyze the affected region and collect the secretion to verify that the color and consistency are normal.

Complications associated with inflammation of the adanal gland

Surgical procedure is necessary when the case of inflamed adanal gland of dogs keeps coming back, even after treatment with medications. Thus, the operation serves to remove the gland.

Secondary infections

Inflammation of the adanal gland in dogs can lead to the development of secondary infections. When the adanal glands are inflamed, the accumulation of secretions creates an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria, resulting in an infection.

Treatment of secondary infections usually involves the use of antibiotics, which can be given orally or applied topically, depending on the severity of the infection.

Formation of abscesses

Abscesses are characterized by: swelling and intense redness in the affected area, as well as sensitivity and pain to the touch.

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